For people living with HIV
Thank you for your interest in our research.
If you know that you have only very recently become become HIV positive (within the last 6 months) and have started straight away on medicines (antiretroviral therapy, ART) we would be very interested in talking to you about joining a study where we are measuring extra blood tests. Please contact the Clinical Trials Centre at Imperial College NHS Trust on 020 3312 6738 or 0203 312 1670.
If you have been living with HIV for many years, we would also like to hear from you on the telephone numbers above or by sending a message here.
There is a large number of resources about HIV diagnosis, treatment and clinical trials available on the internet.
We have put together a selection of reliable and trustworthy websites below:

HIV testing and other STIs
NHS UK: The UK National Health Service information pages
Terrence Higgins Trust Find your nearest clinic using THT Service finder and much more information about HIV prevention
For newly diagnosed patients and information about HIV research and development.
HIV i-Base: HIV treatment information base
NAM aidsmap: NAM and aidsmap work to change lives by sharing information about HIV and AIDS
For activists and for those who want to know more about new and old HIV prevention technologies
UK-CAB: A network for community HIV treatment advocates
The European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG): Patient-led NGO that advocates for the rights and interests of people living with or affected by HIV/ AIDS and related co-infections within the WHO Europe region
AVAC: Global Advocacy for HIV Prevention

LGBTQ online safety guide
Online safety guide for LGBTQ community: This is an important online safety guide that aims to empower LGBTQs and give them the tools to protect themselves online.